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Automatic Index and Table of Contents Generators

When your manual, report or book needs an index, you need a member of our Sonar Bookends family of products. You no longer have to mark entries or search endlessly for every entry. Instead just process your InDesign document with one of our products. You can generate an index based on word frequency, proper nouns, a list of words and phrases you supply, or any combination of the three. It's even simple to include chapter and/or section numbers. Additionally, subjects of sentences can be found and indexed automatically, occurrences of items to be indexed can be filtered, and much more with our professional version.

So before you go crazy making an index the slow and painful way, get one of our indexing solutions for InDesign: either Sonar Bookends InDex or Sonar Bookends InDex Pro. Free demos of our indexing products are available for downloading.

Automatic index generator comparison chart

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Download a free demo of Sonar Bookends InDex Pro for InDesign and try it out.

Cross-Reference Generator for InDesign

If you need to imbed page numbers for tables, figures, appendices, etc., our cross-referencing products are a must have! Available for InDesign, Sonar Bookends InXref can cross-reference one file or multiple files. Document reflowed? In seconds all of your page references are corrected. A free demo is available on our web site.

Download a free demo of Sonar Bookends InXref for InDesign and try it out.

Figure and table numbering for InDesign

If you work with figures or tables, you need Sonar Bookends InSeq for InDesign. Figures and table are numbered automatically and any references to the figures and tables contain the correct figure or table number. You have a 'macro' language that allows you to programmatically create running headers and footers, complex figure, table, and paragraph sequence numbers (using an unlimited number of counters), and you can substitute text into specific places in a document. A free demo is available on our web site.

Download a free demo of Sonar Bookends InSeq for InDesign and try it out.

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