August 31, 1999, San Francisco. Virginia Systems announces the immediate
availability of Sonar Bookends® InDex, an automated index and table of contents
generator for Adobe®'s InDesign desktop publishing system.
"This is the first time that we have taken our automatic index generation technology and
completely integrated it into a desktop publishing system. The goal was to make indexing
a document as painless as possible and the result is quite impressive," said Philip Van Cleave,
President of Virginia Systems.
Sonar Bookends InDex's features include:
* Word index - words selected automatically based on their frequency
* Proper noun index - proper nouns found automatically
* Index based on a user-defined list of items imported from a database
* Index based on a user-defined list of items created by marking entries
* Index based on any combination of the above
* Multiple files can be indexed at one time
* Automatic reversal of first and last names in list - John Smith becomes Smith, John
* Automatic conversion from a single-level to a multiple-level list
* Powerful sorting capabilities for both single and multiple-level lists
* Boolean searching capabilities for sophisticated page selection
* Table of contents based on style sheets
* Page numbers can be optionally prefixed with section information
* Available for both Macintosh and Windows
"Indexing is a key part of desktop publishing. With Sonar Bookends InDex, indexing is not
only intuitive, but unbelievably easy," said Jane Willis, group product marketing manager,
professional publishing solutions, Adobe Systems, Inc. "Sonar Bookends InDex, combined
with the layout and design power of Adobe InDesign, can drastically reduce that time,
creating both time and money savings for our customers."
A free demo can be downloaded from Virginia Systems website. The demo can be converted
to a full running copy with a serial number provided by Virginia Systems upon purchase of
the product. Indexing and table of contents features can be purchased separately or together,
depending on the customer's needs.
Pricing for Sonar Bookends InDex is $195 for indexing, $95 for table of contents, or $275 for
both if they are purchased together.
Virginia Systems was founded in 1984 and specializes in document imaging, text
retrieval and index generation software.
For further information, contact:
Virginia Systems
5509 West Bay Court
Midlothian, VA 23112-2506
Phone: (804) 739-3200
FAX: (804) 739-8376
Adobe and InDesign are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
Sonar and Sonar Bookends are registered trademarks of Virginia Systems.